I was out with a very old lady yesterday – she doesn’t get out much and often drops hints the size of kerb stones about how nice it would be to go out for lunch but her sons never take her now. the prime candidate to learn about online shopping, if ever I met one! I know she can be a bit tart at times and I’ve often wanted to tell her ‘what for’, but she is well in to her 90s and has not lost her faculties – i.e. no sign of dementia or other serious mental derrangement. We were enjoying a wonderful waitress served lunch and chatted about a range of topics, including shopping for non essentials and luxury items. My guest used to love nothing more than being chauffered by one of ‘the boys’ down the town and visiting the once huge selection of department stores, looking at and usually buying some cashmere sweater or pure new wool coat. And perfumery products – she always looks and smells wonderful! Using my phone, I showed her how easy it is to look for and order her favourite items online. So I scored well on the ‘useful young lady’ ratings!