Silver Surfers Concquering Online Nerves

I have several older pals – not exactly friends, but acquaintances.  Most of them are now well into their 80s and 90s.  In the days when I was growing up, most of my friends had a Nan living with them – they were part of the family.  They did the house work and family shopping duties.   These days we don’t seem to value this contribution – houses are smaller perhaps and many a Nan gets put in a nursing home when they need looking after.   But several do still manage at home on their own.  The advent of online shopping has been amazingly helpful to many families.  Nan just has to say what is needed on the shopping list, an account is set up – this has been a great introduction to online shopping for other items once the fear of grocery shopping has been quashed!  I know a couple of these Nans who know their way round their favourite clothing sites now too.