Self Restraint Is Easy Peasy With Online Grocery Shopping

My daughter came over the other day.  She and her partner are almost over the major hurdles of house moving and expect to be in their mini country pile before Christmas – this year.  I haven’t seen the place, but the couple enthuse about it endlessly whenever given a chance.  In fact I have never known  my daughter be so fixed on one thing – she is really focused on getting the place and knows exactly how she wants to furnish it.  They went over recently with the selling agent so they could measure up various spaces ready for all the white goods and new cooker etc.

Another priority they noted – there is space for an impressively sized american style fridge freezer.  This has been considered an essential as they plan to convert over entirely to online grocery and household shopping.  They hope to use their already excellent budgeting skills even more online.  No more spontaneous dibs in the confectionery aisle!